In this method the well is killed in two circulations. In the first circulation the influx is circulated out using the original mud. In the second circulation, when weighted up mud is available, the well is killed.

Advantages of the Driller's Method

pumping can begin as soon as drillpipe pressure build-up is established; there is no delay whilst mud is weighted up. This could be important in case of an H2S influx

the well can be effectively controlled (although not killed), even if the weighting material supply is inadequate.

reduces chances of stuck pipe

Disadvantages of the Driller's Method

Compared with the “Wait and Weight” method, principal disadvantages of the driller's method include:

  • the well must remain closed-in under pressure longer
  • the maximum choke pressure when the top of the influx reaches the surface will be higher if the influx is gas.

Note:    Before employing the Driller's method, it is essential to confirm that exposed formations can support the higher pressures which might be developed   during the first circulation.