The choke and kill system shall provide the valves and piping required to allow controlled circulation of the well under pressure. The choke and kill system shall include:

  • 2 each kill and choke lines valves
  • Lines connecting the BOP stack to the choke and kill manifold
  • A choke manifold.
  • A flare line connected to the choke and kill manifold
  • Poor Boy degasser.

Hydraulic Valves (Preventer Outlets)

Each choke outlet on the BOP stack shall have one HCR gate valve included in the double valve arrangement. These gate valves shall be hydraulically operated to the open position.

Choke and Kill Manifold

The following recommended practices for the installation of a choke and kill manifold shall be adhered to, as specified in API RP53 “API Recommended Practices for Blowout Prevention Systems”


The purpose of the gas separation equipment is to remove the gas from the drilling mud so that the mud pumps operate effectively and the gas shall not create a potentially explosive situation in the mud pits. The mud gas separator shall be installed with a minimum 8” vent line, a minimum 4” choke manifold discharge line, and a mud seal of at least 5ft.