This article describes the specifications and inspection requirements of the various BHA components for horizontal wells.
Inspections requirements
- All BHA components should have received a full inspection prior to use on an extended reach well.
- Stress relief grooves are required on all components (including non magnetic components and jars).
- The complete BHA should be returned for further inspection after completion of the well.
Drilling Jars
- Enhanced hydraulic up/down short jars should be used.
- Two sets of jars can be run; one set above the drill collars and a second set in the cased hole section.
Drill Pipe Requirements
- Drilling horizontal sections places high buckling and torque stresses on the drill pipe, and the use of torque and drag analysis is essential to predict actual loads.
- Typically, G 105 drill pipe is sufficient between the jars.
- S-135 drill pipe is typically required from the upper jar to surface.
- Actual requirements and design loads shall be indicated in the Drilling Programme.
- HWDP should have smooth hardfacing only to reduce casing wear..
BHA Design
- The Directional Contractor shall use offset well and contractor experience to design BHA.
- The Drilling Supervisor and Directional Drilling Engineer shall base their BHA configurations on those proposed. However, modifications based on the previous BHA runs will be required.
- The use of steerable systems which have a neutral tendency in rotary mode are optimum for these hole sections.