1. Make up 260m of 2 3/8", 6.65 lb/ft TBG cement stinger with mule shoe.
2. R.I.H. stinger on 3 1/2" drill pipe,circulate last18m down to bottom (3250m).
3. Cement Company: Rig up lines and pressure test to 200 bar.
4. Cment Company: Batch mix cmt. and spacers.
Volumes required:
SLURRY: 7646 ltrs cmt slurry.
-10,000kg class G cmt.
- 4400 lts deepwell water
- 440 kg NaCl
- 25 kg HR-4
SPACERS: 2540 ltrs TOTAL.
98 kg/m3 NaCl =250 kg.
5. Cement Company: Pump 2m3 spacer ahead.
Pump 7.646 m3 cmt. slurry.(Take three samples)
Pump 0.540 m3 spacer behind.
6. Displace cement with 8.30 m3 (437 stk) mud s.g. 1.17 using rig pumps (under displace by 780 lts = 225m of empty 3 1/5" DP).
7. Break out circ. head and check for backflow.
8. Pull up to 2925m.
9. Circulate drill pipe plus annular content , dump cmt.contaminated mud.
Have aquamagic at flowline.
Vaccumtruck standby.
10. P.O.O.H. and lay down cmt. stinger.
11. Make up scraper assy: Bit(J3 No:T09HB,RR,3x18),NB,4xDC,JAR,DC,X/O,9xHWDP,3 1/2" DP,X/O,7"SCRAPER,X/O,3 1/2" DP.
Distance between bit and scraper +/- 225m.
12. Tag top cmt. at 2925m (TTOC), weight test to 10 tonnes and pressure test to 50 bar.
13. Change out mud to KMg sd 1.49.
14. P.O.O.H. and lay down scaper.